Stanza dei picciriddi
Questa come dice il nome era la stanza dei picciriddi ossia dei bambini. In questa stanza che in origine era mia (Marco e di mio fratello (Fabrizio), venivano accolti insieme a noi i figli di tutti i parenti e amici che ci venivano a trovare. Da mio cugino Andrea agli amici Salvo e Desirèe... la stanza ha tutt'ora una capienza di 4 letti, ma all'epoca, non si badava tanto alle misure, se si doveva dormire in 7/8 ci si arrangiava. Questa stanza ha ora un bagno privato all'interno, sempre di design ricercato.
As the name implies this was the room of Picciriddi that of children. In this room, which was originally my (Marco and my brother Fabrizio), We were greeted with the children of all the relatives and friends who came to visit us. My cousin Andrea and friends Salvo and Desirèe. Room still has a capacity of 4 beds, but at the time, not much cared measures, if you had to sleep in 7/8 we made do. This room now has a private bathroom inside, always design.
As the name implies this was the room of Picciriddi that of children. In this room, which was originally my (Marco and my brother Fabrizio), We were greeted with the children of all the relatives and friends who came to visit us. My cousin Andrea and friends Salvo and Desirèe. Room still has a capacity of 4 beds, but at the time, not much cared measures, if you had to sleep in 7/8 we made do. This room now has a private bathroom inside, always design.